Calculating demand with the Standard 4-step model

The following step-by-step instruction illustrates the typical work flow for demand calculation with the help of the Standard 4-step model (Fundamentals: Standard 4-step model in two variants).

1.  Construct the network model (transport supply) (Editing the network).

2.  Create zones (Creating a zone).

3.  Connect the zones to nodes in the network (Creating a connector).

4.  Create a demand model, activity pairs, person groups and demand strata and define their properties (Managing demand objects).

5.  Create a procedure sequence with the model operations Trip generation, Trip distribution and Mode choice or Nested demand (Setting up and starting the procedure sequence).

6.  For each procedure, set the parameters.

7.  Add procedures to the procedure sequence, e.g. procedures for departure time calculation (Calculating Time-of-day choice), skim matrix calculation (Calculating PrT skims and Calculating PuT skims) and, if required, for assignment and iterative repetition of the procedure sequence (Starting the iterative repetition).

8.  Execute the procedure sequence (Executing procedures in the procedure sequence).


Note: In the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023/Examples, you can find an example of use on this topic. The Demand 4-step example describes the structure and use of the standard 4-step model for demand calculation.